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Nov 12, 2024
Featured | Interviews

Photo: Semiramis Mayrhofer

Slackline Radio: Where do we find Devaloop today and what’s on the agenda?
Devaloop: Hey man, thanks for reaching out! I’ve been at home today doing some organization, answering mails and cleaning the flat. Nothing too exciting but I enjoy doing tasks like these since it’s giving me a feeling of actually getting stuff done which I’m sometimes missing when doing music. I also feel like i need those small, straightforward tasks to keep my balance (calms my mind too).

Slackline Radio: What were your musical influences in life that led you to become a beatmaker today?
Devaloop: Definitely 90’s Hip Hop! At least that was the kind of music that led me to become a beatmaker. In my teens i got obsessed with Boom Bap, especially the beats.

Slackline Radio: Your releases span a range of different styles. Tell us a little about the influences on your yet to be released, Slow Unfolding, due out in January 2025.
Devaloop: For the most time in my musical career I’ve been making Boom Bap Beats and at some point I felt like I mastered that style and I wasn’t having as much fun as I used to making those beats. I kind of was missing the challenge and excitement. (Still love Boom Bap though!)  As I listened to a broader spectrum of different genres over the years my influences changed and I realized I could express myself more comprehensive trying different styles. The album is quite an image of the last few years in which I tried a lot of new things. There’s no central stylistic theme; instead, each track is unique, showcasing the journey of exploring new directions. Of course, these aren’t major genre shifts; it’s more like mixing my classic formula with a different ingredient each time. But that’s just my perspective, maybe someone else doesn’t hear it that way at all. Also what distinguishes this project from previous albums is that I didn’t use samples and played everything by myself. This was and still is the biggest challenge for me since I never learnt to play any instrument. Over the years I started to learn a bit of piano, guitar and bass to a point where I could execute at least a part of the ideas I have in mind. So that learning process also is something that reflects within the album.

Slackline Radio: What can you say about your youth and any interesting influences in your path to music?
Devaloop: My youth was a weird and also great time but I guess that applies to most people haha. Lots of stuff to figure out, insecurities, exploring new things but music always had a big part. I listened to music even more frequent than I do now I think and that’s why I also have some kind of soundtrack to a lot of moments in that time which is beautiful! Music helped me to cope with different feelings and also to express those. When I think back to that time, we even did communicate trough music a lot, especially as pubescent teenagers who still had to learn much about expressing and communicating. Music, particularly Hip-Hop had a big social influence on me and some friends and I’d like to think that it even shaped a part of our view of the world in a positive way. So besides pleasure & joy, music also always has been some kind of tool for me which also was part of the reason why I wanted to start making music myself.

Slackline Radio: What might we not know about Devaloop?
Devaloop: I struggled with really bad anxiety for many years. I had a lot of panic attacks and couldn’t move around in public without feeling immense levels of anxiety and panic. Those years really pulled a lot of energy from me and music helped me a lot. Looking back, playing in front of people also helped a lot and I’m very grateful that making music somehow forced me into the spotlight where I had fight my anxiety. So I’m super thankful for all the people who actually listened to my music and supported me over the years as this helped me a lot with regaining self-confidence.

Slackline Radio: What is the origin of the name Devaloop?
Devaloop: The origin of “Devaloop“ is “development“. Since music and life involves development in all kind of forms, pairing that word with the ending “loop“ felt like a good fit for me! And “Devaloop“ just sounded nicer to me than “Develoop“’

Slackline Radio: What other passions besides music help you roll out of bed?
Devaloop: I love cooking! Most of the time cooking dinner is a daily highlight for me, especially when I’m able to share it with my girlfriend. Besides that I really enjoy analog photography, hiking and plants. This year me and my girlfriend moved into a new flat where we finally got a space to grow herbs and vegetables again so i spent a lot of time outside taking care of them.

Photo: Semiramis Mayrhofer

Slackline Radio: Where do you see yourself in the next couple of years? Got any major projects in the works?
Devaloop: Hard to say. Right now I’m not having any major projects planned but there’s always something in the works.

Slackline Radio: Tell us a little about the music scene in Vienna.
Devaloop: I think Vienna has a very vivid music scene, there’s always something happening. You can connect with a lot of like minded people, go to cool concerts and there are a bunch of motivated people who organize events and such. What I do miss a bit is the beat scene. It’s there but smaller and different in comparison to cities like cologne for example. Vienna doesn’t have a lot of events where the focus is on beats and whenever I played a beatset somewhere in Austria most of the people just waited for the main act which usually is a vocal act. When I played in other countries there always had been a much more enthusiastic crowd and you felt that people actually came there for instrumental music. Austria feels very different in that way which is kind of sad because there are many sick beatmakers around.

Slackline Radio: You have teamed up with many vocalists in the past. If you could have your pick, who might be high on your list to collaborate?
Devaloop: Right now it would be Amaria, i lover her style and voice. Always such a vibe!

Slackline Radio: And, we can’t leave without asking, what will be on your plate for dinner or in your hand later this evening?
Devaloop: Today I’ll cook some pasta with fennel sauce.




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