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Audio Lotion – The Finer Essence (Mole Listening Pearls)

Aug 18, 2006

The Zurich-based duo, Audio Lotion, have released 4 full length albums of which their third, Adelante, brought them to the attention of many worldwide. Several hits off of this Mole Listening Pearls Records re-release were hand picked by the producers of the U.S. ā€œSex and the Cityā€ television series. Their work can be described as an incredible massage of nujazz with a pleasing application of an aural cream of deep lounge.

Riding on the waves of the success of their third album, Audio Lotion went on to release the equally beautifying Metrosensual. These two releases only made it more difficult to bare that their first original three full length albums were unavailable to most. Unfortunately, for many years the early work of Audio Lotion remained hidden in the record bins of Switzerland. Thankfully, MLP have decided to be good to their international brethren and release this compliation of Audio Lotionā€™s first three health care guides: Advanced Skin Care, Your Sonic Beauty Case, and Adelante (original Swiss release).

This is a great collection of the best of their early work. Tracks like ā€œSensuaveā€ reflect the unmistakable attractiveness that we have come to appreciate on their latter albums. Others like ā€œMasque de Tristesseā€ and ā€œMonSoonā€ introduce their skill for cutting downtempo beats. ā€œAquitaneā€ proves that Audio Lotion are masters at adding color to the roots of Jazz. The Finer Essence brings a lustrous shine to your already beautiful Audio Lotion collection.

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