The Boards have been producing music for many years that extends the range of adjectives. From the cryptic Geodaddi to the woolgathering In A Beautiful Place Out in the Country, their music has always been expansive, experimental, sometimes bordering the abstract. On their most recent release, Trans Canada Highway, the Boards have packaged tracks together that carry more melody. Dayvan Cowboy begins this EP with an ambient feel only to be broken in mid-stride by a nice drumbeat ending. Left Side Drive follows and presents one of the better tracks for the release. Again, this track drives home a nice rhythm that would surely be replayed during any extended road trip. A repetitive, albeit relaxing, Under the Coke Sign carries the same simplicity as the album cover. A remix of Dayvan unfortunately adds little comfort to the trip. Fortunately, a couple of very short heady tracks are also included to help round out the corner on this EP. This is a thought provoking release for anyone traveling the remote highways of the mind.
Godfather Don & Jazz Spastiks – Writer’s Delight
Back inĀ the '90s amongst all the other rap artists of the day that were flooding the airways like Dr. Dre, Ice Cube,...