It sucks being late to the party. Walking in to the gathering at an inappropriate time is awkward and uncomfortable. An instant questioning of relevancy pervades and there is a wonderment of what was missed. But maybe there is an opening of arms that makes your effort worth while. That is why you showed up, right?
Being punctual is important. But, who can fault you if you just had bad directions or another conflict? For some, there have to be good excuses for losing focus or you just may be a little untrustworthy. Others are glad and don’t make a fuss over bad timing. Don’t forget, when it comes to the meaningful people in life, you only get one chance to observe that moment in time.
Don’t let there be any of these feelings if you are late to attending the marriage of Kabuki and fat jon. Because when it comes to a family engagement like this, that bond just can’t be broken. So if you have that familial connection to the sounds of Wave Motion or Meditations, you will be welcome here on Healing Through Sounds. It is this moment in time where there is no rejection, no disappointment. Just complete satisfaction that being late is better than never showing up in the first place.
After a relocation to Frankfurt, fat jon finds himself with a plethora of choices. His meditative and hypnotic beats have the opportunity to find themselves a perfect melting pot. And after many years, it comes into late 2022 that the sounds of Kabuki create the perfect stew for their pot-luck dinner party. Each bring a certain state of mind that expand the boundary of their lo-fi auditory taste buds. If you listen to the 2014 release Forward from Kabuki on Meditations you may question your sanity. Is that fat jon present at the party or is he just not there yet? It is almost as if this is some alternative multiverse where time and space have no meaning.
On Healing Through Sounds, there is a blending quality that is enough to help them both step across that line in the sand that may separate their sounds. A selection of heavy synths filled with investigative sounds immersed against a backdrop of deep beats. Right from the start of Cloud Remedy, it is not difficult to understand that each of these masters don’t have far distances to cross to meet up at the table. You just have to wonder, why did it take so long for each of them to arrive together because they each have so much to say here?
They provide a recipe for auditory acuity on this release that is mind blowing. Even though there are only three other tracks that complete this collection, each is worthy of exploration and acceptance. Dream Remedy enters the room next, ready to tell you all about a recent visit to the Japanese islands where one soaked in the mountain tubs with monkeys. Light Remedy provides that early morning blissful wake up call to an overnight bombastic celebration of deep house electronica. And Gravity Remedy is the soulful wandering of a modern Stevie Wonder, punctuated by a uniqueness of their own. Damn it, where is that rewind button?
Track Listing:
- Cloud Remedy: TransfixĀ Ā 04:00
- Dream Remedy: InterimĀ Ā 03:31
- Light Remedy: Special BeamĀ 03:27
- Gravity Remedy: InanimateĀ 04:08
Listen here.