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Once 11 – Smile Hunter (The Agriculture)

Jul 7, 2006

In Brooklyn, DJ Olive with the help of others began The AgricultureĀ back in 1999. Characterized by a rooftop music theme, the artists on this label span the spectrum in downtempo. The vision was toĀ  bring the old and the new together in a way thatā€™s constructive. Once 11ā€™sĀ Smile HunterĀ adds another dimension to this thought through experimental dub.

At first, this new release from 11 may sound like an ambient experiment into reggae sounds. However, this album is filled with subdued rhythm that extends any constraints of the genre. It is not necessarily a choice for those seeking something typical or expected. It is a nice choice for those times when the mind is relaxed, open, and willing to be expanded. Each track molds and folds with echoes and reverb of the familiar keyboard rhythms of the Rastafarian way. Deep and heavy bass lines persist to provide a nice overall texture to the broad display of samples. Just like the bag of flower seeds with every delivery fromĀ The Agriculture,Ā Smile 11Ā is sure to grow on you and blossom.

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