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Zero 7 – The Garden (Atlantic)

Jun 12, 2006

So many times, a new release emerges and an artist tries to reinvent themselves. It can be such a departure that it may be hard to swallow at first. One becomes familiar with the sound on a previous release and expects the beat to go on. It is rare when an artist can combine the best of both worlds where the music is fresh but recognizable.

On The Garden, Zero 7 have done just that. The definable sound is present and the originality persists. The infusion of real instruments and melodic vocals still exists that creates such a unique balance. On the relaxing Throw It All Away, guitar picks become center stage. Sia Furlerā€™s vocals are added as fertilizer to grow one of the best tracks on the album. Then, Seeing Things quickly informs the listener that Zero 7 have planted a new seed. The music on this track is more upbeat than previous releases like the similarly titled Simple Things. In fact, the album bpm has sprouted to a higher level. The Garden is ripe and ready to be picked. Itā€™s a good release from the British duo act of Henry Binns and Sam Hardaker.

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